Ab​out 101 Lakes Trust

Practicing Environmental CPR: Conservation, Preservation, and Restoration 

W​anted: Individuals, organizations and businesses interested in joining the 101 Lakes Trust in protecting the valuable natural shorelines and natural habitats in Steuben County.

Our Mission:
To protect and enhance Steuben County’s natural and built environment of lakes, rolling hills, streams, and neighborhoods, to stimulate and support a sense of community through conservation and research. 

101 Lakes Trust is officially a 501-(c) (3) public charity, non-profit organization with an effective date of exemption beginning April 5, 2006.

101 Lakes Trust Board (Pictured)
Back Row, Left - Right: Luke Martin, Ken Erlenbaugh (treasurer), Niann Lautzenhiser (vp)
Front Row, Left - Right: Brandy DePriest, Susan ​Catteral​l, Amy Oberlin (secretary), Janet Albright (president),

Join our Cause

Contact us to discuss ways to get involved! Become a member, attend one of our upcoming events, or find out if conservation easements are for you!


101 Lakes Trust is an offshoot of the Steuben County Lakes Council, that for 50 years has been working to protect the lakes and streams of Steuben County, Indiana. Learn more about their movement below.

 steuben Co. Lakes Council